Monday, November 24, 2014

Changing for Hapiness - A day at a time!

Yesterday, I came across this incredible statement - 'changing the outside is far easier than changing the inside'!

There was so much power in this statement that it got me thinking. I started reflecting within myself and found the statement to be so-so true.

The saying by Greek philosopher, Heraclitus ‘Change is the only constant’ holds true, but still when we try and bring about change ourselves we end up with quite a challenging task! Why is this?

Well all this reluctance to move is inherently built within our systems and we need to take positive  actions to ensure we change them. The whole idea to bring about change in ourselves is with a purpose, the purpose to seek happiness, and every actions we take is a step towards seeking that purpose.

Go through your day in your mind and figure out the actions you have taken and try to put them in perspective of  'change for happiness'. Try and figure out what brings you happiness and what fouls your mood. Is there anything you would want to do differently about your day? And if there is, why haven't you done so already? Identifying these bottlenecks is as important as trying to bring about a change.

The ease of bringing about change depends on BMW - not the car but:

  • Belief 
  • Motivation & 
  • Willingness to carry out the change 

There are some things that you can control and some you can't! Concentrate on and change the things that you can control, in order to bring you happiness. And for the ones you can't, well move away from it, there's simply no point of attaching yourself to something that doesn't bring you any happiness anyways.

Different things bring different people happiness. For me I get happiness when I learn something new, that hunger for knowledge should be fed, for others it could be creating Art or Exercising outdoors and for some others Generating Wealth! Whatever it may be, what you need to learn is to direct your actions towards attaining that Happiness. 

You may presently be in a Job that you are doing because you just ended up there - behind the desk, but what if your happiness comes from creating Art? Well, I would suggest you follow your road to happiness and learn the ways of generating some money from it so that it pays yours bills and keeps you happy as well!

Over the course of this Blog I shall share with you some of the options available in today's world in order for you to generate wealth simply by following what brings you Happiness. 

By concentrating on your strengths and ensuring you have a powerful BMW, you can eventually start your journey on the road to Happiness and Complete Fulfillment..

"Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience"- Paulo Coelho 

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