Monday, March 9, 2015

Coping with Loss - A day at a time!

"Do not cry because it is over, Smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss.

Coping with 'Loss' is something we all go through some or the other time in our lives. The loss of a loved one, the loss of wealth, the loss of health. Whatever the loss, no matter the magnitude or the impact - we all have experienced it and would continue to do so. Nothing in life is constant other than change!

How we cope with a particular loss is different for different people depending on the situation they face. When you loose an item or a thing, you ponder about it for sometime, try and remember where you may have lost it, tracing back the steps trying to find it and after awhile if unsuccessful you just move on.

However when you loose someone close to you, the feeling of loss is so intense that it hurts immensely. Coping with this loss can only happen over time and there is no right or wrong way to go about it. What is more important is to cope with it the healthy way. We all need time to grieve and this feeling of loss & sadness too shall pass by.

There are various stages a person goes through when dealing with a loss as shown in the pictograph. A person may or may not experience all these stages when they loose someone near and dear, but it is more or less the cycle that follows. It is important to remember that the person you may have lost has gone to a better place and cherish the memories you have had with them. Be thankful for having been fortunate enough to be a part of their life - have no regrets an don't blame yourself.

You need to acknowledge the pain and loss you feel and not fight it. The circle of life continues - be strong, express and share your feelings and move forward once you are comfortable to do so. For some it may be easy to move along and for others it may take longer time. If you are struggling to deal with such loss for a longer time which is affecting your way of life - you may consider seeing a therapist as it could be a complex case in dealing with your grief.

Support of family and close friends at this juncture is of immense help. In case you happen to know someone unable to cope with their grief, give them a shoulder to cry on, listen to them and not say 'such is life', 'move-on', 'get over it'! It takes time and only people who can empathize can actually help in more ways than you can imagine.

 Take time, cherish what you have today, live and love in the moment and don't have regrets for tomorrow!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Being Thankful - A day at a time!

Life is not always as we want it to be!

There are times when things go our way, which lift up the spirits and emotions. And then there are times when they don't go the way they were planned, which end up holding us back and bringing us down! We cannot control our destiny but can definitely control how we get there. The journey of our life has it's ups and downs but the best way forward that I have realized is to be thankful. Being thankful for what I am today, for all that I have received and for all the opportunity I have been presented!

You see, we don't realize the actual value of our own life and many a times we take it for granted. This thought process for me was not a very beneficial one as it stopped me from experiencing life to the fullest. Living carefully is one thing, but that shouldn't stop you from experiencing life! And the best way to experience life that I have realized is to live it of course.

Now you may well say that we all are living our lives, but are we really living this life? Would you have any regrets of not doing something if you were to die tomorrow? If yes - then what is stopping you from doing it today and why? If you can change your perspective - live like you are dying, then you shall appreciate all that is around you. You will automatically try and soak up all the energy and feelings of even the simplest of things, to enjoy the sensations, the experience, the adventure called life!

Everything in life has a purpose, even the leaves on a tree. They may seem to grow haphazardly, but if you observe closely the leaves grow in such a manner that they all receive the sunlight they require to grow.

Be thankful, uplift your spirits, life is just too short to hold a grudge and be angry

So here I am thanking you all and everyone who has been a part of my life's journey whether in a fleeting visit or being for my guiding star.

Welcoming the New Years with my honest gratitude for the life I have been given!


2015 here we come!

As the new day of the new year dawns, it's a great time to be thankful for all that we have received before and look forward to all that we wish to receive going forward.

The journey so far for me has been a learning and rewarding one & I wish all my readers a lovely new year and may this year be more exciting and rewarding than the last. 

2015 here we come!